You can add booking types for any different types of booking you offer to your guests. Each booking type can be linked to one or more areas of your venue, have its own availability times associated with it, and be given a specific date or date range if applicable.
For example, a booking type for Christmas Day Lunch could be linked to your Restaurant area, Lunch food service times, could be bookable only on the 25th December.
Guests booking via your website will only be able to select from the times & date range that are available for the booking type they have selected. Similarly if you have real-time availability enabled, guests will only be able to book a time slot if you have availability in the area(s) linked to the booking type.
Adding a booking type
To add a booking type go into your back office & select Bookings > Booking types from the left hand navigation.
Click on the blue Add a new booking type button.
To the left of the screen, under Booking types, an empty text field will display at the bottom of the booking types list. Enter a new booking type name into the field & click the blue tick to the right of the booking type name.
The booking type setup will display to the right of the screen.
Booking type availability
If your booking type will only be available for set periods, you can set the Available from/to field. You can set multiple date ranges if required.
Note: If your booking type is only available on certain days of the week, you can set this in the service times it is linked to.
By clicking on the Available from/to dropdown, you can choose whether to specify the dates that a booking type is available, or whether to specify the dates that it is not available.
Specifying dates that a booking type is not available can be useful for making your standard booking types unavailable when you have other specific booking types running, such as an event, or Christmas Day dinner.
To specify the day/range, click inside the calendar field to choose your availability for your booking type.
You can then add further date ranges as needed by clicking back into the Add new range field.
Note: The available on or not available on selection will apply to all date ranges. You cannot set a mix of available and not available dates.
Linking tables
From the Link to tables dropdown, you can select tables or a whole area to assign your booking type to.
Service times
In the Use service time field, you can select specific Service times that your booking is available for.
Note: You can set up new service times for the booking type by clicking the blue Service times button.
By default, booking types will show on the booking form for customers to select. If you don't want your booking type to show on your booking form you can deselect the Show on booking form tickbox.
Click the blue Save button, to save your new booking type.
You can now configure a range of other settings that are specific to your booking type:
Deposits & pre-authorisations
- Setting card pre-authorisations
- Whether bookings should skip upfront deposits
- Configurable custom booking deposits
Availability & auto-allocation
- Whether bookings should always be treated as a request (never auto-confirm)
- Setting a minimum turnaround time between bookings
- Setting a maximum number of covers
Advanced settings
- Setting minimum & maximum number of covers
- Setting minimum & maximum duration
- Setting the booking interval (gap between book start times)
- Adding pre-orders
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